Our diets and nutrition are among the top determinants of our overall health. With that said, each individual has unique needs and requirements. Age is one thing that can impact our eating requirements.
• For those in their 20s:
The whirlwind of embracing adulthood, new jobs, and the weekend night-outs is what makes up a person’s life at this age. Letting go of the unhealthy eating habits can be of great help in the later years of the life. Swapping the margaritas and mojitos with a beer is highly recommended because beers tend to be comparatively healthier than the others. No alcohol is obviously the best and most healthy option, but also less realistic.
Proteins seem to be a component that is highly missed out in this age courtesy the daily take-outs and the microwaved foods. But the proper in-take of protein is a crucial factor for this age because the muscles are most worked up in this age. Alongside protein, a perfect percentage of carbohydrates and fats are also needed.
• For those in the 30s:
The 30s is one of the most stressful parts of a person’s life, juggling work, home and health can be a bit of a hassle but nothing is impossible. The most important nutrients that tend to lower in this age limit are iron, folate, and phytonutrients. 400 microgram of folate and around 18 milligrams of iron is something that is a must during this age. 30 is marked by the onset of the lifestyle diseases like hypertension and diabetes and maintaining a proper and healthy diet is the key to diminishing the chances of these diseases.
• For the ones above that age:
With the increasing age, the body starts losing the capability of absorbing calcium and even Vitamin D from the food. Intake of calcium and vitamin rich food is very important along with food with higher fibers in order for the regular bowel movements and healthy metabolism.