How to have a healthy relationship with food


Eating disorders are a collection of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that are not only related to weight and food, but also include disturbed thoughts about health. This creates rigidity or chaos that degrades the quality of life and continues to pursue “healthy” ideals – which in turn is limited to disorder. Because all thoughts and behaviors are controllable, automated, or compulsive, rigidity actually compensates for the loss of vitality and spontaneity. At least it creates thoughts and behaviors about eating disorders and at worst leads to eating disorders.

Creating a healthy relationship with food requires a conscious effort, but it is possible. This relationship includes eating relaxed, choosing preferences for posture, and practicing balance and flexibility to eat. These principles will make you feel more comfortable eating and help you identify and stop unhealthy habits.

“Relaxed food”

“Casual eating is the ability to be calm about eating and the social, emotional and physical parts of eating. Casual eating is adapted to the hunger of the body and provides intuitive needs. It is the ability to listen and satisfy your hunger. And irregular eating flexibly and without remorse. It allows you to eat when you are hungry and quit when you are happy.It allows you to eat more or less or differently than usual without judgment, punishment or the need to replace It includes Choices and belief in food by filtering self-love and body well-being that is balanced, not extreme or consuming casual eating responds compassionately and easily to changes in your routine, mood, and physical demands.Treatment and Body Acceptance Casual eating supports relaxed thinking about your food, weight, and body and is a true manifestation of self-confidence and self-expression.lse. (Kron)


You have to make a choice in everything you do. When to get up, what to wear, what to watch on TV – all daily decisions shape us. We often have ways because we prefer certain options. Maybe you’re watching the Throne Game every night because it always entertains you, or maybe you use glittering green eyeshadow because it makes you feel glamorous. While it may seem safe to get reliable, proven alternatives, it is unrealistic to do it alone. Maybe you love the Throne Game when your best friend hates it, so check something else when he comes. You feel good about a bold eyeshadow, but you don’t use it in a job interview. This flexibility is essential for a healthy life.

Not all preferences are appropriate for every situation, and it would be inappropriate not to change your decisions in a different environment or other circumstances. Food is available according to the same rules. Of course, it is natural that you have your favorite dessert or restaurant. But if certain foods become the only option, the mindset can be obsessive. Rigid habits, such as eating certain foods, can quickly change your preference position and get you stuck. “Positions” means rigid places where you think you have no choice but to do the habit you have created as a habit. Instead, eating should be a balanced activity that is neither the best nor the worst part of the day. You should enjoy the foods you eat, but do not worship them. Flexibility, expressed as a willingness to temporarily give up one’s favorites, is an important part of a healthy relationship with food. The regulations must remain exactly that and must not become a steadfast system.

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