Develop these healthy eating habits at home

They have all made us know what we eat, drink and do to make sure it does not affect us. Most of us work from home and can be difficult and. Developing healthy eating habits in these times is crucial and it is also important to ensure that you do not eat too many calories.

Here are some eating habits that should be in good shape

Fruit & amp; vegetables a day
Make sure you eat at least one fresh fruit (whatever is available) and one raw vegetable (carrot, cucumber, tomato or radish) to get that serving of fiber. If food is scarce, try to include at least one fruit or raw vegetable in your daily diet.

Get hydrated

Drink sips of water every hour to make sure you get good hydration. is common when you are at home and glued to the screen (especially those working from home). Keep a bottle of water in another room so you have to move out of the chair to take a sip. This prevents you from getting too long.

A handful of nuts and seeds

Take a handful of nuts and seeds daily. For example, a handful of almonds, walnuts, flaxseed, pumpkin or chia seeds are rich in essential fats, zinc, magnesium and selenium. These nutrients can improve your immunity.

Daily dose of vitamin C.

There have been many jumps around loading up on vitamin C because it can “kill” coronavirus. It’s not true. Vitamin C can improve your immunity levels and prevent infections. Therefore, it is recommended to bring someone with you every day (even if there is no contagious outbreak). Foods rich in vitamin C include green vegetables, citrus fruits, peppers, amla, guavas, oranges and yellow fruits and tomatoes.

Herbs and spices are important

Although there is not much evidence for the effect of herbs or spices on COVID-19 control, there are many studies showing beneficial effects in improving and enhancing the immune response. Be sure to use a little of these daily – an old favorite – turmeric, garlic, cloves, cinnamon, tulsi leaves, honey, ginger, lemon – as they are said to have antibacterial and antiseptic properties. They can also help and relax in the midst of these difficult times! Try using less oil and salt for cooking to make the food less heavy and easier to digest the more you sit now. This can also help to some extent.

No food from outside

Avoid eating as much as possible – Even though restaurants are closed for closure, home delivery still works. If you have the resources to prepare meals at home, do so to avoid unnecessary contact with CEOs. It also reduces the risk of developing infections associated with unprocessed or unhealthy foods. However, if your only food source comes from an external source, make sure that the food supply has taken all necessary measures to maintain a high level of hygiene.

Healthy snacks

We all love storing frozen snacks in times of crisis, whether it’s your favorite french fries, potato miley, chicken, ice cream or other regular items available at a grocery store near you. Avoid taking these as much as possible as they all contain trans fat and can definitely add inches to your waistline! Choose fruits, plain cakes, digestive biscuits, legumes, peanuts or homemade bhel puri or chivda to satisfy your!

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